
About Pred Technologies, Established in San Diego in 2016, we are the creator of the patent TOKK™ Smart Wearable Assistant.

Along with creating other innovative products, our passion is your experience.

We believe that businesses don’t make great products, people do!

TOKK Smart Wearable Assistant

As seen in:


We believe in:


As seen in CE WEEK:

our Patent Portofolio:

US Design Patent:

US D826,890 S 

US Design Patent: 

US D817,919 S

US Patent:

US 10,182,278 B2


Our company name: PRED stands for Product Research Engineering and Design.

How Pred Technologies was born from our Founder and CEO Charles Speidel:

“I love tech! I worked 19 years for one company, Sony in the consumer electronics area, bringing great gadgets to the market.  I was lucky enough to move across different leadership roles for them in France, in the UK, in Denmark and last but not least in the US, this is how I ended up in our beautiful city of San Diego, where I headed Sony’s Innovation Centre.

Moving and living in different countries has been very valuable for me and my family but at the same time after so many moves, and having landed in beautiful San Diego, I consulted my wife, and 2 kids and we decided to make San Diego our permanent home, instead of Sony sending me back to Europe. San Diego is where I met my current business partners and I was ready for a fresh start, a new career where I would be my own boss and take a break from the crazy corporate life! After a first run at heading a start-up to test the waters, I decided to launch my own venture! Pred Technologies was born!”

Pred Technologies USA Inc. is a Consumer Electronics company headquartered in San Diego California. Creator of TOKK™, the first Smart wearable assistant for busy hands, we create inspired products that connect you to the world you love. Our teams are dedicated to improving people’s lives through the use of advanced technology and a commitment to innovation, quality, value, and design. Our mission is to deliver high-performance, smarter products with the latest innovations. It’s not just where technology is going, it’s how technology helps you now. We build those products that fit beautifully into your world…and it is just the start.



4901 Morena Boulevard, San Diego, CA 92217, USA

Copyright by Pred Technologies 2016-2025. All rights reserved.